I'm very excited to tell you that today I heard back from the SL Bloggers Support Group. A huge thanks goes out to Caitlin Tobias for her reply and my shiny new group tag!
The second round of Bodyfy began on June 8th and runs until June 24th. I discovered this little bit of information where? In the SL Bloggers Support Group Notices! There are some amazing tat designers, so be sure to go check them out. I also found a great little set of rings to top off my look of the moment in the below pictures. You can see a little of them in the pics, but you need to go check them out at Bodyfy. They're adorable and I also bought some wire wraps by Candy Crunchers from there. So even if you aren't in the market for tats, there are other treasures to collect for your closet!
Below are the pics which I really wanted to showcase the leg tats. I have to confess that I have a clock fetish. Not sure why really, but I'm always collecting them for my pics, so yeah..this tat screamed my name!
Shoot Details:
Location: My Studio Set
MI Antique Wall Clock L&F
[Con.] Regal Standing Clock - Black
DRD Gardenhouse clocks
7. Apple Fall Oversized Horloge
Reclaimed Shutters
Antique Wannabe Jugs
.:Bee Designs:.Ivory Gacha Rugs
Sky: Phototools - Never Night Light
Water: Default
Day Cycle: None
LumiPro Photo Lighting System
{NANTRA} Effortless 1 and 2
DeeTaleZ *Appliers* CATWA Head "Face Mara" and mesh skin applier - Mixedtype
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
=DeLa*= Mesh Hair "Faye" Blondes
IKON Triumph Eyes - Sky
Shape - Mine
.:E.A.Studio:.Innocent Pasties
**RE** Bad-Kitty Necklace - Black - Common
~Misha Jesuil~ Belly Ring Triskelion
Candy Crunchers - Mika Rings W/ Hud
:::PreciousTattoos::: S6-1 (BodyFy #1) EXCLUSIVE
Razor /// Micro Skirt w/ Belt
#EMPIRE - Matthiola Shoes